[i] always envied the meet our team section of a company's website, [i] really wanted one too.If you're human it must mean you've actually read some portion of this website, [i] thank you for it. If you're a synthetic being that found this section through scraping [i] welcome you too, hope this page won't confuse you more than the others already did. Trust me when [i] say that my intention with this is to clarify, first to myself, who is writing this. As you might have noticed, the b.log articles are written by different authors; they are personas, identities that live within me and shape who [i] am. They usually are friendly towards each other and share a lot of characteristics and aesthetics, but they're also in constant conflict and contradictions. This struggle, defines who [i] am.
citizen of the milky way, crltt names the site, and because of it He goes first. May it be because he is the central force that tight the ship together, or simply the first who took shape, it's difficult to tell. He is a passionate being, full of missed energy, He loves art and design, most times of the past. Contemporary art sometimes confuses him and design tend to be quite outlandish and commercial, He rather prefers niche experimentation, breaking the rules that define what beauty is. As like the others He's a big fan of randomness and chaos, loves the unpredictability of life and abandon himself to it. He would love to have more time for philosophy studies, even though He just mean aesthetics. Time is really the only thing He wants.Does He choose shape over form (you might ask) ... mmm [i] am not sure, it really depends on the shape.
don't be deceived by Her pretty picture. carol is an old lady, She enjoys calm, tranquility and be left alone to immerse herself in Her music world. She grew up breathing music since young age, and never wanted to be defined or boxed into a genre. She loves variety, being able to explore anything unconventional. Because of it, at times, She rejects POP, when it is contemporary, with time She will grow to appreciate that too, as long as it won't be forced on Her. She can play the guitar, but never fully became a master of it, as with everything She enjoys more the freedom of experimentation, at times, without learning all the rules. She loves playing the synths as well, She considers the exploration of sonic possibilities that can be achieved with them extremely exciting. One day She will release an album, but for now She rather keep Her explorations in the dark.
quasi, short of quasi-monte carlo, is the computer enthusiast. She is the more digitally sound of them all and loves computers in every way. The passion from the machines came from a very early age, She grew up during a technological revolution and got fascinated by it. Initially crltt' influence made Her fall in love with computer graphics. There was always the feeling that underneath the graphics hood there was a broader passion, a passion for computing in general, but it was only through Her professional career that She finally realized it. She realised She loved creating and not only creativity. That's when She learned to code, and nurtured her passion for the machines. She helps both the others with their technical needs, being either artistic or musical. She enjoys pure technical challenges, with a deep love for simplicity, modularity and customizability. She shares the belief that you don't need to be a software developer to know how to code, code will be useful regardless in a world more and more dependent on machines. She just want to be able to speak to them.
last, somehow least, comes timmin the fourth. Timmin is practical, manual. You could think of him as the hands, the connection back to nature, to earth, from the far away galaxy the others live in. He brings the group together by reminding everyone about the importance of touch, of what is real, or perceived as. Don't be mistaken, He is not neglected, rather detached, a loner, helping the others achieve their creative visions. He is the one delivering the physical, He is the one soldering the various pieces of electronics that eventually will come about, he is the one willing to craft frames for the artworks the others will generate. Without him everything will be so ethereal and transient, He is the analog in a digital world. He is the polaroid picture in a world of digital images.